October 5, 2007

October 10/5/2007 Friday

John 14:16-18 The gift of the Holy Spirit

Exodus 20-24; God gave the Israelites the law knowing that it would be impossible for them to follow it. He didn't do this to make them fail, but so they would recognize their sinfulness. Like Paul says in Romans, "Without the law there is no transgression." The Israelites desired to obey God and follow His commands, but they were sinners and would fail over and over again. They didn't have the Holy Spirit with them, or the Scripture to teach them. We have been blessed the gift of the Holy Spirit and the whole scripture and we still fail! I am a sinner, there's no doubt about that--but I am a new creation in Christ Jesus, no longer captive to sin's punishment.

Because of Christ's redemptive sacrifice, I have been washed clean. I won't ever reach perfection in this life on earth, but God sees me covered by Christ. He loves me and chose me. It is because of all that, that I desire to live a life pleasing to God. Holy and acceptable--a fragrant offering. He tells us to offer ourselves as 'living sacrifices.'

Romans 12:1 "In view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship."

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