June 12, 2012

Finding Balance

She sees that her trading is profitable and her lamp does not go out at night. Prov. 31:18

This Proverbs 31 Woman doesn't go and do things that are not worthwhile, or just for the sake to "stay busy". She pursues opportunities for business that will be "profitable." That takes smarts and good judgment. She is busy up into the evening, perhaps planning, being with her husband and family. Her daily tasks and ventures do not leave her completely worn thin. She has found for her, what she can do in her day to avoid being lazy, in fact she is making the most of every opportunity, yet she's not "burned out."

This kind of living takes wisdom and discernment that only comes from spending time with God. Arranging priorities and listening for God's voice first and foremost. Now, it's easy to be busy as a mom. The days can easily fill up with play dates, coffee dates, business preparations, home-making, ladies bible studies, church ministries, extra-curriculars, shopping. But if "burn-out" is impending and our energy is sapped when our family/husbands are with us in the evening, what good are all these things? And, do we really want our children's memories to be filled with a 'haggard mother' who was always tired and stretched to the maximum?

We must find a balance that the Lord is in control of. If we aren't submitting our schedule and commitments to Him, how can we expect Him to bless them?

Go to the Word

1 comment:

Michael Eckert said...

good reminder.
What a cute picture. Everyones looking brownish from the sun.