March 5, 2010

Spring Is Coming! - Return to the Archives

Oh how much has changed since last year! It is sunny once again outside, which is lovely. But we return to the "archives" today. This time last year we were about to find out that another precious blessing would be ours in nine short months! We were contemplating other changes... and for some strange reason we also started searching for a family pet. Perhaps the pet was an expression of us wanting change? Who knows. It was fun while it lasted. March of last year was also when we sent in our initial inquiry to Mission Aviation Fellowship. It was a busy month. I am so pleased to see the sun outside TODAY, March 2010. Faith and Wesley are playing with Little People on the floor, which is a joy to watch, when they aren't competing for the same toys!

So a visit to the past - 

"Spring IS Coming"

(Original Post March 6, 2009)

You may be wondering, "What's with the toilet on the porch?" We are still in reno mode... going on year #4, and my dear husband bought us a new toilet this week! This is old one; my guess is it's waiting for the dump. This old toilet uses 13 litres per flush, and our NEW one only uses 4.5 per flush, which is significant when your home uses a septic system.
Anyhow, enough about toilets.
As I type this, my DS is in my lap with fingers on the keyboard. Makes it a little difficult to type correctly. this morningwheniwok eup, i was so pleased to see the sun! even at 6:15 am it was starting to rise. I love this time of year when the days begin to get longer. I kissed my husband off to work and tried to convince my 3 year old DD that it was 'mommy's quiet time.' She cuddled under a blanket on the couch in the living room and waited for it to be 'morning.'

By accident I met a friend on facebook. She is in Africa right now serving at an orphanage/boarding school. We have had several people from our church go over to Africa and Burma in the last months, and with facebook and the limited access they have to it while they're over there, it just doesn't seem so far away now. To have up to date information about what's happening with them is so precious, and i'm sure their families appreciate it even more!

Lord, we pray for those dear children. They have access to your word and to your gospel message. May your Spirit move in their hearts and draw them to Yourself. Become real to them, and help them realize their very real need for You in their lives. Also for those ministering to them, remind them to lean on You for their strength. Blessed is the man who depends on You for his strength, who puts his confidence in You. He is like a tree planted by the water and sends out its roots to the streams. It does not fear when the heat comes, it does not worry in a year of drought. Its leaves are always green, and it never fails to bear fruit.

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