April 16, 2009

A Sobering Thought For Me (A Young Parent)

"What parents tolerate in moderation, their children will excuse in excess."

In my ladies' Bible study this week we were grappling with a question, "Why do you think so many children grow up in Christian homes, schools, and churches without ever developing a real heart for God?"

There are two extremes to consider here. One, there are parents that would take 100% of the responsibility for their children walking away from the Lord. And two, the parents who take 0% of the responsibility for it. The Bible is clear that we as parents have huge impact on our children and are responsible to teach them truth, to instill in them an appetite for truth.

Our ultimate calling as godly parents is to raise a godly seed. How well are we doing on that? Are we throwing our elementary kids into the public school system to be taught that God is dead and how to have an alternative sexual lifestyle? Or perhaps its more subtle than that. What television programs are we feeding ourselves? What appetite are we feeding?

It's a sobering thought. Scary, actually. Remember the quote I started with, "What parents tolerate in moderation, their children will excuse in excess." It's only by the grace of God and His strength that we can be the parents He wants. Praying for our children's souls is our strongest weapon. Let's not forget to use the tools God has already given to us!

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