September 27, 2008

Questioning God's Plan?

“Why is this happening to me?”

I have asked this question too many times in my life. As humans, is this a natural tendency? We try so hard to find answers to everything in life, from the most simple to the complex; the spiritual realm to the physical world.

Scan through Job 38-39... God asks many questions that reveal how limited man’s mind really is. How dare we claim to “know” the answers to things. God has willed that we know some of the answers. He certainly reveals truth to us in His word, and yes, scientists have discovered some very basic information about how nature responds to certain elements, and perhaps even some basic causes in weather patterns. But our understanding must stem from simply trusting in God!

What I have been reminded of this morning is that God is sovereign and our understanding (even the most intellectual man who has ever walked this earth) is but a grain of sand in comparison to God’s unlimited understanding and power. So why do we question God’s plan? We do it all the time with our lack of trust in Him. Even with the simplest things in life.


“I know that you can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted.” Job 42.2

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