July 13, 2007

James 5:1-12 ~ July 13, 2007

No matter what we suffer on earth, we are told to wait patiently for the Lord and persevere as the Old Testament patriarchs: Job. We are to resist resentment and retaliations against those oppressors. The Lord is waiting until the crop is ready. Until all the earth has heard about Him and has had a chance to make a choice to repent or resist.

This is a hard concept for me to actually truly identify with. (Being patient in suffering/oppression.) In Canada we don't suffer in that way very much in comparison to other countries or in Biblical times. Our oppression is quiet, political, and can easily be unnoticed by ourselves! We are given chance after chance to stand up for Biblical truths daily! Sometimes we do, and sometimes we are quiet. I think of issues our country is pushing to support that go directly against God's plan:
  • Same-sex marriage
  • Pro-Choice rights
  • Living common law
  • Legalizing current illicit drugs
  • Worshipping nature
  • Not taking responsibility for one's own life
  • Abolishing absolute truths and right and wrong
  • Under-valuing the elderly
  • Not preserving the sanctity of life no matter what

How many times during the day are we faced with people actually making jokes or comedic scenarios out of these issues, or actually supporting them and living by them?

There are many issues we face in our society that do oppress us and either give us the chance to stand up for Biblical truth, or we don't and no one knows what we believe the Bible says about it, or they wouldn't know from our actions because we haven't applied the truth to own lives. Yeah, we may not be experiencing torture and death because we own a Bible or sing worship songs, but every day we either silently deny God's truth by accepting society's lies and standards, or we stand out and proclaim God's truth by applying it to our own lives, adopting a Biblical worldview and standing against these ridiculous and sinful ideas our society pushes on us.

Lord, help us stand firm to your Word! Be the light in our lives that exposes the evil around us!

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